
First bioequivalence studies used to
treat Covid-19 in Turkey
has been started with the partnership of
Gaziantep University
Farmagen GCP Center
Novagenix Bioanalytical Drug R&D Center.

Bioequivalence study was approved for the Favipiravir active ingredient
used in the treatment of COVID-19
has been approved by
Ethics Committee
Ministry of Health-TITCK.

Novagenix 25 years anniversary

Bioanalytical Laboratory has been renewed.

We do present/absent analysis on all types of samples.


Some of References/Sponsors


Novagenix Bioanalytical Drug R&D Center
Balıkhisar Mah. Özal Bul. Novagenix Blok No:395  06750 Akyurt 
Ankara - TURKEY


Phone : +90 (312) 398 10 81 
Fax : +90 (312) 398 07 18

Social Media